free delivery ≥ $80 free delivery ≥ $80

Refund and Returns Policy

If you wish to return or exchange your purchase(s), the following terms and conditions will need to be fulfilled.
5 Calendar Days to notify us
  • Please notify us within 5 calendar days upon the receipt of the product via email, SMS, or WhatsApp.
  • We will follow up closely and do our best to assist you.
7 Calendar Days to return us
  • For eligibility of return / exchange, item(s) must reach us within 7 calendar days upon our acknowledgement of the return / exchange request.
  • Sender will take care of all shipping / courier cost for returning or exchanging item(s).
  • Original invoices must accompany the item(s) when returning to us.
  • ONLY regular-priced product(s) are eligible for returns or exchanged.
  • All products MUST be returned in its original condition and packaging (unused, unworn, unsoiled) with tags attached.
  • Exchanges will only be considered if delivered item(s) are due to manufacturer’s defect or damaged on our end. And, we reserve the right NOT to accept the item(s) without the original invoice accompanying it.
  • Our return policy only applies to those residing in Singapore. To enquire about return on international orders, please email to us within 5 days upon receipt of product.
What we will not accept
  • Item that has been in contact with your furkid(s) are deemed used.
  • Item found in a different condition compared to the original upon delivery.
  • Items without its original packaging. Or, the original packaging is no longer usable - torn, soiled or disfigured.
Important notes
  • TailStore reserves the rights NOT to accept any returns of goods due to wrong purchase decision, such as wrong size or colour.
  • Contact email:
  • Mailing address: 1001 Jalan Bukit Merah, #07-10, Singapore 159455